Simple Photovoltaic charger
From idea to working prototype, using LTSpice, Diptrace, heat-gun soldering, and real-life debugging.
I am a recent Electrical Engineering graduate, now ready for a job after taking a break for mental and physical health. I have a strong interest in Robotics, and I believe that robotics and automation can lead to a better future. I also enjoy programming, math, board games, and video games. Below, you can view some of my larger projects from college.
From idea to working prototype, using LTSpice, Diptrace, heat-gun soldering, and real-life debugging.
Controlled by an Arduino, this machine sorts Magic the Gathering cards by color.
Wearable sensors collect motion and heartbeat data, and wirelessly report to a nearby computer for recording or processing. A prototype.
A 1:4 power splitter and a 4x1 antenna array, tuned to work at 1.3 GHz. In version 2(pictured) the antenna-frequency and the splitter-frequency were 0.05 GHz off in opposite directions... V3 would work for sure!
Implemented the Little Computer 3 CPU in Verilog (except for the memory unit), simulated and fixed errors, then ran on a Xilinx FPGA.
Linear regression and gradient descent on a training set to predict prices in the data set. Also a scatter matrix of the available variables to see a visual representation of correlation.
CAD: Fully-constrained simple mechanical models & drawings in Autodesk Inventor.
Implementation of Hindmarsh-Rose neuron and Quadratic Integrate and Fire neuron on breadboard including OP amps, and analog multipliers.
Occasionally I am also an okay artist.